How to Turn Off Surround Sound SteelSeries

How to Turn Off Surround Sound SteelSeries

Surround sound is a common feature in many gaming headsets, including the popular SteelSeries brand. While surround sound can enhance your gaming experience by providing a more immersive soundstage, there may be times when you prefer to turn it off. Whether you want to conserve battery life or simply prefer the simplicity of stereo sound, this article will guide you through the process of turning off surround sound on SteelSeries headsets.

How to Turn Off Surround Sound SteelSeries

To begin, it is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of surround sound in gaming. Surround sound technology creates a three-dimensional audio experience by simulating sound coming from different directions, allowing you to pinpoint the origin of in-game sounds more accurately. This can be particularly useful in competitive games where positional audio is paramount.

However, despite its advantages, surround sound may not always be preferred. Some players find that it distorts the original audio quality, making it less accurate and natural. Additionally, surround sound may consume more battery power, reducing the longevity of your wireless gaming headset. There could also be compatibility issues with certain games or software.

Fortunately, turning off surround sound on a SteelSeries headset is a straightforward process. The specific steps may vary depending on the model, but the overall concept remains the same.

Firstly, locate the control panel or software of your SteelSeries headset. This can typically be accessed through your computer or mobile device. If your headset has a dedicated control panel, launch it and navigate to the audio settings. Look for an option related to surround sound, such as “Surround Sound” or “3D Audio”.

Once you have located the appropriate setting, you should see an on/off toggle switch or a dropdown menu allowing you to select the desired audio mode. To turn off surround sound, simply click on the toggle switch to disable it or select “Stereo” from the dropdown menu. Confirm your selection and exit the control panel.

If your SteelSeries headset doesn’t have a dedicated control panel, you can still disable surround sound using your computer’s audio settings. Right-click on the speaker icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen and select “Playback devices” from the context menu. A new window will open, displaying a list of audio output devices.

Identify your SteelSeries headset from the list and right-click on it. Choose “Properties” from the dropdown menu. In the properties window, navigate to the “Advanced” tab. Here, you should find an option labeled “Default Format” or “Default Format for Surround Sound”. Ensure that this option is set to “16-bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)” or equivalent stereo sound settings. Apply the changes and close the windows.

By following these steps, you can easily turn off surround sound on your SteelSeries headset, reverting to stereo audio. Keep in mind that you can always re-enable surround sound later if desired.


In conclusion, while surround sound can enhance your gaming experience in various ways, there may be times when you prefer to disable it. Whether to maximize battery life, preserve audio quality, or address compatibility concerns, turning off surround sound on a SteelSeries headset can be done through the control panel or audio settings on your computer. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily toggle surround sound to enjoy stereo audio or switch back when the need arises.

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